How to Join D1

  • Secure an Invite: Begin by obtaining an invite code from an existing D1 member. This is your key to exclusive community access.
  • Sign-Up: Integrate your X account and digital wallet as part of the registration to facilitate transactions and rewards.
  • Fee and Rewards: A fee of 0.005 ETH grants you the first bag of D1 gems, with gems converting to Blast Gold every 2-3 weeks, and OLE bi-weekly airdrop start from May.

What to do in D1

Invite with Instant Reward

Inviting new members to our D1 community via Linkup is not only about growing our network but also rewarding those who contribute to its expansion. When you invite friends and they join D1, you get instant $OLE reward, check on Reward Page. This instant reward serves as an early thank you for enhancing the platform’s diversity and reach, ensuring a richer and more robust community.

Rally in Spaces

Every space within D1 is unique, and participating in rallies that happen every two hours can make your experience even more rewarding. Join the rally in your chosen space and engage in activities that could grant you gems through a lottery system. This element of chance adds excitement to your daily interactions and could potentially lead to a substantial gem windfall, which enhances your influence and capability within the community.

Engage with Hosts

Building relationships and interacting with space hosts can unlock a treasure trove of opportunities. As you engage and interact within a space, hosts may reward your contributions and enthusiasm with gems, airdrops, or even special gifts. Watch out for the space with daily gems to distribute.

Invest in Spaces

Your favorite spaces on D1 aren’t just platforms for interaction but also avenues for investment. By purchasing a share of a space, you link your fortune to its success. All shareholders receive 25% of the total gems collected, plus 3x extra gems collection from Rally, and your investment empowers you to influence the space’s direction and policy, aligning with your vision for its future. Watch out in Sprint, where you can snipe shares of new spaces in lower price.

Boost Earnings with sOLE

Maximizing your rewards in D1 can be achieved by leveraging sOLE. By converting your ETH to sOLE, you’re not just participating in the platform’s economy; you’re amplifying your Rally earnings across all spaces by 3x. This boost is a potent way to increase your stake and reap greater rewards from the platform’s growth and success.

Participate in Prime

Prime is an exclusive arena within D1 where holding sOLE transforms from a passive investment to an active tool of influence. As a sOLE holder, you are entrusted with the power to vote daily for the spaces that you believe are the best performing, as well as those that are lagging. This democratic approach not only determines the distribution of rewards but also encourages space hosts to continuously improve and innovate. Your votes directly impact the fortunes of spaces, providing an interactive and impactful aspect to the D1 experience, where strategic voting aligns with monetary incentives.

Reward Collection

After an epoch’s end, it’s time to harvest the fruits of your engagement. Reward collection is a crucial phase where you claim the gems and bonuses you’ve diligently earned. These rewards are the tangible benefits of your active participation and strategic moves within D1, and collecting them is both satisfying and fundamental to your ongoing involvement.

Create a Space

Ascend from participant to pioneer by creating your own space in D1. This is where you can lead and nurture a part of the community that resonates with your interests and expertise. In crafting your space, you shape the experiences and offerings for others, fostering a segment of D1 that’s truly your own, while inspiring others to engage and invest.

Purchase OLE

Investing in OLE, the currency of D1, is investing in the platform’s very foundation. By purchasing OLE, you secure a tangible asset within the digital economy and affirm your commitment to the platform’s future. It’s a strategic move that not only endorses the value of D1 but also entrenches your role as a stakeholder in its thriving ecosystem.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Why am I getting reCAPTCHA when rallying, getting an airdrop, or buying shares?

reCAPTCHA is our current measure to ensure fair play and deter bots from disrupting the equitable distribution of rewards and opportunities within D1. While it may be a slight inconvenience, you can enhance your experience and reduce reCAPTCHA triggers by using the Chrome browser and avoiding VPNs. Our team recognizes the importance of user experience and is actively developing a more seamless, long-term solution to this challenge.