Upgraded Sentinel revolutionizes collaborative quality control in DistrictOne by introducing an interactive betting game. This new system enhances community engagement and brings a dynamic approach to moderation.

How Upgraded Sentinel Works

Initiate Report Betting

  • First Reporter’s Initiative: The reporting process is initiated by a user who stakes 40% of the required gems for the room, thereby starting the betting phase.

Community Betting

  • Participation: Shareholders with staked gems may bet on “Ban” or “No Ban” by staking 20% of the required gems for the room.
  • Decisive Host/Co-Host Influence: A bet by a host or co-host ends the betting immediately and decides the outcome in favor of their chosen side, regardless of the majority opinion.
  • Outcome: Winners take all stakes. Those who bet incorrectly forfeit their gems.

Report Resolution

  • Permanent Ban: A validated report leads to a permanent ban for the accused, with their staked gems being redistributed among the winners. Hosts can unban manually.
  • Acquittal: If a report is not validated, the accused retains their staked gems and joins the winners in sharing the stakes from those who bet incorrectly.

Time-Sensitive Action

  • Duration: The betting window is limited to 1 hour for rapid resolution.

Quorum Dynamics

  • Minimum Quorum: To validate a report, a minimum of three participants or 10% of the participants is required.
  • Maximum Quorum: There is a cap at 20% of participation for betting to proceed.

Benefits of Upgraded Sentinel

  • Enhanced Community Engagement: By transforming moderation into a participatory game, Upgraded Sentinel actively involves the community in content quality control.
  • Rewarding Vigilance: Community members who accurately predict outcomes are rewarded, thus encouraging active participation and keen oversight.
  • Dynamic Moderation: The swift, one-hour resolution of bets prompts timely community action and decision-making.

With the rollout of Upgraded Sentinel, we leverage the collective power of our shareholders to guide DistrictOne to a future defined by exceptional quality and robust community engagement. We invite you to partake in this visionary endeavor, where each stake is a testament to the community’s commitment to excellence and integrity.