Social Launch

How It Works

  • Creating a Meme Coin: Every D1 user can create a meme coin on the D1 Meme Labs using the intuitive tools provided. This includes setting parameters such as supply, tokenomics, initial pricing, and the tools that help your memes to grow.
  • Social Hype with Invitation Reward: Every Social Launch of a meme coin is invitation only, leveraging the power of community engagement by allowing users to share and promote their meme coins across the D1 platform and beyond. This generates social hype and attracts potential buyers and supporters. Only launch participants can activate their invite codes to invite others to join the specific launch, and inviters benefit by receiving rewards from their invitees’ investments.
  • Enhanced Overflow Launch: The Social Launch process ensures a fair and transparent distribution of the meme coin, with defined soft and hard caps. Users can participate in the launch by buying the meme coin with ETH during the specified launch period.
    • Soft Cap: Soft cap is the minimal raise the meme has to reach to be launched. If the raised amount passes the soft cap, then the launch is deemed successful. If the raised amount fails to reach the soft cap, the launch is deemed unsuccessful, and all participants will be able to claim their investment back in ETH without any loss.
    • Hard Cap: If the hard cap is reached, users can still participate, but they might receive a reduced token allocation due to joining late. The meme token will launch with the hard cap, and any excess funds will be claimable back by users in ETH.
  • Interactive Space with Money Games: To boost engagement and excitement, creators can interact with the community in real-time chat rooms, using interactive money games that incentivize participation and investment in the meme coin.

Invitation Rewards

  • Two Tiers Rewards: Inviters receive 3.5% of the investment notional from their direct invitees and 1.5% from their second-tier invitees (invitees of their direct invitees).
  • Reward Allocation: When the meme coin is successfully launched, the invitation rewards are automatically swapped into OLE, so inviters receive OLE equivalent to the reward value in ETH. These rewards are claimable immediately from the meme space.

Successful Launch

When a meme coin launch is successful, several key actions and processes are triggered to ensure fair distribution, proper allocation, and efficient handling of fees.

  • Investment-Based Allocation: The allocation of meme coins is based on the amount of ETH invested into the pool. The more ETH a user invests, the larger their share of meme coins. This proportional distribution ensures that all participants receive a fair amount of meme coins relative to their investment.
  • Token Distribution: Once the launch is successful and the hard cap is reached, the meme tokens are claimable by the participants based on their investment amounts. Any excess funds beyond the hard cap are also claimable back by users in ETH.
  • Invitation Rewards: When the meme coin is successfully launched, the invitation rewards are immediately claimable from the meme space.
  • LP Burn and Token Trading: After a successful launch, the liquidity pool (LP) will be deployed to the designated decentralized exchange (DEX) and then burned, making the tokens available for trading on supported exchanges.
  • Protocol Fee: The protocol charges a 5% fee on the total amount raised if the launch successful. This fee is used for further development and maintenance of the platform, ensuring continuous improvement and support for the D1 ecosystem.